
Welcome to the Stour Astronomical Society

The home of amateur astronomers who like to learn, observe and image the night sky

4 March 2025

Stour Valley Astronomy Society would like to remind you of our next meeting on the 4 March at 7.30 in the Memorial Hall in Cavendish.

This month we have 'New Horizon Mission to Pluto” – and beyond !'

Paul Whiting FRAS CSci – Very experienced outreach astronomer

We do hope that you will be able to come along and support us

How to get there


An astronomy club in West Suffolk

The Stour Astronomical Society was established in March 2003 by Dr Kevin Marshall and Geoff Burling. Its main aim is to fill a void in the county of Suffolk where there is a lot of interest in astronomy but very few places to go and meet other amateur astronomers. Also members can listen to talks given by expert speakers, receive advice on what equipment you perhaps would like to buy and what to observe in the night sky. Members are drawn from nearby towns and villages in the Stour Valley area.

At the moment one either has to travel over to Cambridge or Orwell, both having first-class astronomical societies but nevertheless quite some distance away. So please come along on the first Tuesday of the month to meet fellow amateurs and to deepen your love of the wonders of the night sky. Please don’t forget to tell any friends you have who might also be interested in astronomy!

Club Info and Images

The Current Night Sky
You can read about this month's night sky, view some of the images taken by club members and look up our Talk Schedule - these are great value at only £4.

Are you looking for a new exciting hobby?


Meet fellow amateurs and deepen your understanding of the wonders of the night sky.

Stour Astronomy Society © 2019 All rights reserved.


Join a thriving astronomy club in the West of Suffolk. Listen to talks given by expert speakers, receive advice on what equipment you perhaps would like to buy and what to observe in the night sky.  You'll find that we're a friendly bunch with one thing in common - Astronomy.

Cavendish Community Hall
Cavendish Sudbury CO10 8AG
Sudbury CO10 8AG

We meet at 7:30pm on the first Tuesday of every month.
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